Typical White Person: Stuff White People Like

"Asian women, fancy coffee, farmers markets, dinner parties and gay friends — these are just a sampling of life's pleasures — if you're white."
--From Stuff White People Like blog

Asian womsn

Excuse me?

That's according to John Lander, the (white) wit behind the Web sensation Stuff White People Like blog, an irreverent daily missive on the passions of posh urbanites of the Caucasian persuasion.

It's the latest in a string of similar blogs (first came theassimilatednegro.com, then angryasian.com) that act as a virtual shrink's sofa for those tackling the tricky topics of race and class.

Lander is not the only one who uses the Web site as cheap and easy therapy, though the 29-year-old admits that's exactly what it is for him.

Readers, hundreds every day, flood the site's comment section with alternating fury and delight.

Fancy coffee

Farmers markets

Dinner parties

Gay friends

Swimming pools

Movie stars


OK.......the last three were mine.

Just tryin' to help.

by RidesAPaleHorse
images: RAPH
* Race-related blog Causing controversy
* Obama's Typical White Person: Stuff white People Like


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