Larry Sinclair: DBKP Library of Stories and Videos

Larry Sinclair: The DBKP Library of stories on Larry Sinclair, including his allegations of a sex-and-drugs party with Barack Obama in the back of a limo in Gurnee, IL in 1999, his later polygraph tests administered by and his continuing story of filing lawsuits against Obama and online posters.

Part of the DBKP Political Scandals Library involving 2008 presidential candidates. Included are John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards.

UPDATED: March 20 2007

* Obama: Man Claims Gay Sex, Drugs with Barack in 1999

* Larry Sinclair’s Obama Allegations: MSM Has Plenty of Practice Ignoring Certain Stories

* Obama: Gay Man Threatened Over Sex and Drug Claims

* Bill O’Reilly: Tap Dancing Around Alleged Obama Scandal?

ALSO at Larry Sinclair Library of DBKP stories and videos

* Larry Sinclair: Obama Accuser Submits to Polygraph

* Larry Sinclair-Obama: Obama Supporters Circulating Fake WashPo Story?

* Larry Sinclair: Obama Accuser Fails Polygraphs

* Larry Sinclair-Obama: Polygraph Expert Flunks Credibility Test?

* Larry Sinclair: Controversy Surrounding Polygraph Expert

* Larry Sinclair: Obama Accuser Hits Youtubers Up For Cash

* Larry Sinclair: Latest on Obama Accuser

* Larry Sinclair: Obama Accuser Goes After

* Larry Sinclair: Obama Accuser Blows Credibility

* Larry Sinclair: Obama Accuser Demands Cell Phone Records

* Larry Sinclair: Files $3M Suit Against Anonymous Posters

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Source: Death By 1000 Papercuts archives

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