John Edwards Scandal:The Faces of Edwards During Nightline

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Pixelaneous #51:
The Many Faces of John Edwards

Edward the Confessor

We present for the reader's edification, these seven pictures. They are taken from the Friday Nightline featuring John Edwards, which many news outlets labeled a "confession".

Did John Edwards confess? Edwards did confess that he was a narcissist*, and a few other things. He said he had asked his family for forgiveness. Edwards said twice that "saying I'm sorry is inadequate"; he never mentioned what words would be adequate.

Now, we'll let the readers decide: was John Edwards contrite?

Seven picture taken from his interview on ABC's Nightline.

* - narcissit: A conceited, self-centered person


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So, readers, was John Edwards sorry about the affair and cover up? Was he sorry--or was he just angry--he got caught?

Was John Edwards sorry?

by Mondoreb
coompax-digital magazine