Larry Sinclair: A Tale of Two Photos

"You know, when you're rubbing on someone's leg, someone's crotch and they're not moving their hands and they're not saying no and they're not punching you in the face then you know you have an opportunity there... when they become aroused you know you've hit the spot." Larry Sinclair on his alleged "encounter" with Senator Barack Obama on the The Right Perspective

Every picture tells a story. We have two photos of Larry Wayne Sinclair, the man who claims he had illicit sex and did illegal drugs with Senator Obama. What kind of story do these photos tell? We'll let our readers be the judge. 

DBKP has been following the saga of Larry Sinclair, the man who claims he indulged in illicit sex and illegal drugs back in 1999 with Senator Obama. Sinclair has been pushing his accusations since the end of January with various videos on Youtube, a spiffy website with photoshopped images of Larry and Obama along with a Paypal account for those who would like to donate to Larry's "legal" expenses. We thought we'd do a "photo perspective" while quoting  Larry in "In Larry's Own Word's".

"I will be willing to say that I could give you the size of his genitals you know, within a half inch. And I can definitely tell you cut, uncut, ummm, I was asked if I noticed any birth marks, I told them flat out I'm not gonna lie and tell you he did simply because we were drunk. I was in the back of a limo, it was dark, I can (unintelligible) enough that if he drops his pants I'm going to be proven right."~Larry Wayne referring to Senator Barack Obama's genitalia during the Sinclair Interview, The Right Perspective

Sinclair has posted several times on his website this photo of himself. He's photoshopped this picture along side an image of Senator Obama holding a crack pipe and "leering" at the attractive "young" Larry Sinclair. We wondered what Larry Sinclair really looked like back in November of 1999. Was Larry still as "studly" as the photo on his site? You know, someone a young state senator might find "attractive" in the back of rented limo enough to engage in sordid sex and illegal drugs?

We went looking on the worldwide web and found a photo of Larry which we believe originated closer to the time frame of Larry's alleged encounter with Obama. We found a photo of one Larry Wayne Sinclair, courtesy of the Pueblo County Sheriff's Department's Crime Stoppers site. 

Pueblo County Crimestoppers (Larry Sinclair) A Warrant for Larry's arrest was issued on May 23, 2001. This photo had to have originated before this date.

This is indeed the very same Larry Sinclair who claims that while on a trip to Chicago, the driver of his rented limo was so enamored by Larry that he arranged an "introduction" to the then State Senator Barack Obama.  We listened to a podcast featuring Larry Sinclair on the website, Right Perspective. During the interview Larry spoke about his trip to Chicago and meeting Senator Obama. 

"The limo driver is a personal friend of Obama and is scared to reveal himself cause if he gets "out there" Obama and Axelrod can "shut him up"." 

Read more of Larry Sinclair: Every Picture Tells a Story at


Source - Pueblo County Sheriff's Dept - Larry Sinclair Wanted Poster 

Source - The Right Perspective - Larry Sinclair Interview

Image - Lights Out Little Hustler
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