D-Day Video Tribute

Tomorrow is the 64th anniversary of D-Day, the day the Allies invaded France. The further we get from June 6, 1944, the easier it is to forget the lessons learned from the failure of Britain and France to address the problem of Nazi Germany--before it became the very large problem of World War II.

RidesAPaleHorse submits these two videos reminding us of the heroism and sheer logistic problems that had to occur before the Allies could declare D-Day a success.

6 JUNE 1944 - Part 1

As RAPH says, "First of a two part video celebrating the beginning of the end of WWII. The D-Day Landings at Normandy."

And now for part 2.

6 JUNE 1944 - Part 2

Mission accomplished.

by Mondoreb
videos: RidesAPaleHorse
* dwightdeisenhower
* mikekemble
coompax-digital magazine