Dixville Notch: Dixville Notch Election Results In: Obama 15-6

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Barack Obama has won the Dixville Notch, NH vote, 15-6.

Dixville Notch is always the first place that votes in the nation: the residents all usually cast their ballots shortly after midnight on Election Day.

It's results as a bellwether is mixed.

  • 2008 - Obama 15 McCain 6
  • 2004 - Bush 19 Kerry 7
  • 2000 - Bush 21 Gore 5 Nader 1
  • 1996 - Dole 18 Clinton 8 Perot 1 Browne 1
  • 1992 - Bush 15 Perot 8 Marou 5 Clinton 2
  • 1988 - Bush 34 Dukakis 3 Kemp 1
  • 1984 - Reagan 29 Mondale 1
  • 1980 - Reagan 17 Carter 3 Anderson 2 Clark 1
  • 1976 - Ford 13 Carter 11 McCarthy 1
  • 1972 - Nixon 16 McGovern 3
  • 1968 - Humphrey 8 Nixon 4
  • 1964 - Goldwater 8 Johnson 1
  • 1960 - Nixon 9 Kennedy 0

--Dixville Notch, New Hampshire

The report from Dixville Notch, NH:

CNN reports that Obama received 15 of the 21 votes cast this morning in Dixville Notch, NH--the town that traditionally gives us the first election returns. McCain received the other 6 votes.

In 2004, Bush won in Dixville Notch by a vote of 19 to 7.

The nearby New Hampshire town of Hart's Location also has completed their voting.

The town of Hart's Location reported 17 votes for Obama, 10 for McCain and two for write-in Ron Paul.

--Obama Beats McCain 15-6 In Dixville Notch, Dixville Notch, Hart's Location Cast Nation's First Votes

Dixville Notch has picked six of the past twelve winners in national presidential elections.

by Mondo
image: DBKP file

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