Something that catches the eye in an American reader.
Does anyone feel any better after reading this?
From Official defends Gitmo plan:
HONOLULU — A senior Obama administration official pushed back against critics of the White House’s plans to transfer some detainees at Guantanamo Bay to Yemen as it moves toward closing the facility, saying the process for transfers are “consistent with our national security interests.”
“I am aware of a lot of people pointing back at the way the transfers were handled under the Bush administration that apparently they have some concerns about that,” said the official, who had not seen the senators’ letter. “I didn’t hear many of those concerns at the time, but there were obviously hundreds and hundreds of detainees that were transferred under the old regime.”
We don't have no stinkin' regimes in America. Or do we?
Ed Morrissey and Allahpundit at Hot Air noticed too.
Regime? We don’t have regimes in the US — or we didn’t until now. Is the Obama White House comfortable with calling themselves the present “regime”?
ALSO at DBKP--Old Regime: Obama Official Refers to Bush Terms as ‘Regime’
While the "official" isn't identified, it's one that is fairly close to the president since 1-the Politico item is datelined "Honolulu", where the president is vacationing; and, 2-the official is pushing back against an important pillar of Obama's "security strategy".
Expect to see others to notice--if they haven't already.
Makes those people who warned of the dangerous encroachments to free speech and civil liberties that are coming out of this administration seem just a little less paranoid, no?
NOTE TO SELF: Make sure to check this post to see if there's anything that might upset the present regime before publishing.
by Mondo Frazier
image: Freakingnews