Obama 'Seriously Angry' at Salahi White House Gate Crashers

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From Obama Is REALLY Angry About Party Crashers:

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama says the White House gate-crashers got in through a "screw-up," he's unhappy with everyone involved and it won't happen again.

"I was unhappy with everybody who was involved in the process," Obama said in the interview. "And so, it was a screw-up."

He added that the incident was not even "the fifth or sixth most important thing that happened this week, although it got the most news."

The president answered "yes," when asked whether he was "seriously angry" about the intrusion. "That's why it won't happen again.

Sheeesh. Get over it. If it was Bush the couple would be hailed as gods for fooling the Moron In Chief by the Mainstream Media. Now when they treat you with kid gloves about a minor, harmless screw-up, you act like it is important.

Obama you are just a little too self righteous and a bit creepy. So you had a couple of innocuous party crashers. Clearly this is the first time in your life that anyone wanted to be at a party with you. Can you ever lighten up, Mr Doofus In Chief? Do you have a joke in which is not a play on someones else's fault? Do you have any humility or sense of fun at all?

Obama, you are a CREEP!

by Pat
image: http://www.patspapers.com

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