NASA Fraud, Climate Fraud, Tiger Woods Confesses: Morning Intell

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Morning Intell

Morning Intell: Weekday Edition:
Thursday - December 3, 2009

Yesterday's Morning INTELL: Shoe Throwers, Illegal Aunts, Corruption: Morning Intell


ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST: Top Climate Scientist for NASA Found Guilty of Fraud

HOW SO? Unbelievable update: The crappiest NYTimes column on Obamacare just got crappier; Update: Kristof’s disingenuous non-response
The NY Times' columns are always crappy...

* Tiger Woods Affairs: Rachel Uchitel To Confess
* Tiger Woods Affairs: Affairs, Confessions, Transgressons and Kalika Moquin
* Tiger Woods Affairs: Tiger Woods Confesses to Affairs
* Tiger Woods Affairs: Woods Paid for Rachel Uchitel Australia Trip -UPDATED

Boxer: You know what the real issue is in Climategate? E-mail theft
JIM TREACHER: "ClimateGate is about email theft like WaterGate was about parking garages."
What he said...

CRAIG FERGUSON: "The White House Christmas tree was unveiled today. Actually, it was a regular tree that snuck in past security."

More Climate Scams: Huge Danish CO2 trading fraud exposed

BREAKING: The White House is refusing to send its social secretary to Congress on Thursday to testify about the gatecrashing at last week's state dinner

Honduras Congress rejects return of ousted leader

DBKP Report

DBKP Morning Intell

Global Warming Climate Change Pop Quiz

Gatecrashers decline invitation to testify

West Virginia has look of a Big East beast

Obama science advisers grilled over hacked e-mails

The rhetoric of failure

Medal of Honor recipient ordered not to fly the flag

Sprint fed customer GPS data to cops over 8 million times


AT&T drops lawsuit against Verizon over advertising spat

JAY LENO: "Tiger Woods is in a lot of trouble. Not only are rumors flying about an alleged affair, he crashed his Cadillac Escalade into a tree. Now the environmentalists are mad. A gas guzzler into a tree! Now Al Gore will get into it. Now there’s going to be a movie made about it. It’s going to be called, “Crouching Tiger, Crunching Escalade.”

DBKP Report

VIDEO of the DAY: One Chance

[h/t: Mætenloch at Ace]

DAILY HAH! The 3 Man Crew

by Mondo Frazier

images: DBKP file

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