SPAM Plant Works Overtime: What's on The Financial Crisis Menu

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On the Comeback Trail

SPAM Plant Workers Feast on Overtime

The NY Times discovers that SPAM is making a comeback: Spam Turns Serious and Hormel Turns Out More

Austin, MN-The economy is in tatters and, for millions of people, the future is uncertain. But for some employees at the Hormel Foods Corporation plant here, times have never been better. They are working at a furious pace and piling up all the overtime they want.

The workers make Spam, perhaps the emblematic hard-times food in the American pantry.

As RidesAPaleHorse observes, "Spam makes a comeback (as if it ever really went away)."

* SPAM: Ethanol Subsides Force Families to Turn to Spam to Cut Food Costs

by Mondo and RidesAPaleHorse
image: RAPH

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