Joe The Plumber Probe:
Investigation Begins in Ohio
Over State Government Snooping
Smiling Faces
Smiling faces show no traces of the evil that lurks within
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth uh
Smiling faces, smiling faces
--The Temptaions; The Undisputed Truth
Joe The Plumber Snooper Gets Paid Leave
DBKP reported before, and perhaps initially, that Helen Jones-Kelley violated both State and Federal Regulations when she ordered staff to conduct an investigative sweep of Joe The Plumber using the Child Support investigative computers. These computers have more access than any other in government, being able to review files for taxes, property records, traffic, crime, prison, drivers license, court, and on and on. The reason given is that the need is imperative and the use is non-criminal.
Hence no warrant needed.
Joe the Plumber Ohio Records: Illegal Child Support Searches Violate Laws
It now appears that despite the cover given her by the despicable and corrupt Governor Strickland, that the Attorney General--who in fact administers the Child Support collection efforts and knows the law well, or at least assigned staff who does--has put together enough of a case to commence disciplinary proceedings.
Jones-Kelley put on paid leave by governor
As the Dayton Daily News reports:
"COLUMBUS — Helen Jones-Kelley, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and former head of that department in Montgomery County, has been placed on paid administrative leave by Gov. Ted Strickland.Charles already was investigating reports that a department computer was used to gather personal information about "Joe the Plumber" — Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher of suburban Toledo — after Wurzelbacher emerged as a key figure in the presidential race in Ohio. The information included whether he owed child support, which he said he didn't.
He criticized Democrat Barack Obama's tax plan and endorsed Republican John McCain.
Charles is investigating whether such use of a state computer is legal. Jones-Kelley said there was nothing wrong with the check and suggested it was common practice for her department to do research on Ohioans in the news.
Michelle Malkin also reports this, Ohio government snooper put on leave for plumbing Plumber’s records.
Well, it sure took them long enough, didn’t it?
Via Dayton Daily News (which you’ll notice fails to mention that Jones-Kelley is a max contributor to Obama’s campaign)
An Ohio Highway Patrol trooper was stationed at the end of Jones-Kelley's driveway in Clayton on Friday night. He declined to allow a reporter to approach Jones-Kelley's home.
Strickland, a Democrat, has said that so far he had received no information to suggest that any state employee either accessed or disclosed information in an inappropriate or improper way."
That is why the entire country knows that Joe the Plumber does not owe Child Support, etc.
The TRUTH is this: Strickland did not ask Charles to investigate. Charles did so on his own after being informed by his staff that such information such as the child support and court status of Joe the Plumber, as was leaked to the media, had to involve the illegal usage of a Ohio State Child Support Investigative computer.
A simple check matching the security entry codes (issued to each child support investigator) with a search relative to Joe the Plumber quickly revealed the investigator who accessed his files, all files by the way. A security review of the investigator, usually conducted by Bureau head, quickly produced the fact ther investigator was ordered to do the review by Helen Jones-Kelley under the fallacious excuse that Joe had requested information on his file.
It was also revealed that the investigator had no idea who Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Joseph Wurzelbacher was. The given name was unfamiliar to her. Even though Jones-Kelley is not entitled to the information as she is not in the need-to-know loop, it is likely the investigator thought she was merely passing on good news to someone.
Ms Jones-Kelley must be fired. As a law enforcement official, she has totally compromised her position and the trust of the public. She should be charged with both State and Federal crimes. (of course, we all know that Bush only prosecutes Republicans)
As for Strickland, he waited until after the election because Charles was running for office. No doubt hoping it would blow over if Charles lost.
Unfortunately for Strickland, Charles did not let go.
As for that guard at the door, he is there to make sure the press do not learn it was Governor Strickland who asked Helen Jones-Kelley to commence the computer sweep.
That is my guess.
[ABOVE: Ohio Governor Ted Strickland]
by pat
images: lorraincountydemocraticparty
* Dayton Daly News
* Dayton Daily News