Volume 27
I'm Trench Reynolds.
I blog about crime.
This is DBKP's This Week in Crime for August 10th-August 16th, 2008.
At craigscrimelist I made another short post about more teens involved in prostitution. And again more people think they're not victims.
The most interesting link I posted at CrimeNe.ws this week was a rare occurrence, someone on death row who actually took responsibility for his crimes.
At News of Doom we had several disturbing stories this week but the one that disturbed me the most was a story about a Florida DJ who had his eyes cut out.
The news was light this week at MyCrimeSpace but the story that was in the national media spotlight for a bit was about the missing Malibu twins. Luckily they were unharmed for the most part.
At TheTrenchcoat Chronicles the story that righteously raised my ire was a story about two parents who sued a school district for their son getting shot and killed there. You'd think they would have a case but read the post to find out why I think they're trying to collect blood money.
Speaking of blood money at Bad Breeders I posted a story about how I think there are some who are trying to collect their own blood money in the case of missing child Caylee Marie Anthony.
This weekend I've also opened a message board called The Open Trench. You can discuss any story from my blogs or any topic at all.
As usual if you want to follow my blogs you can use Twitter, the RSS feed, or Netvibes, and also Friend Feed.
That's it for this week. I'm Trench Reynolds for DBKP.
You will come to know when the bullet hits the bone.
by Trench Reynolds
image: Trench Network