Top Ten Most Popular DBKP Stories
From our First Year
Combined readership on both & DBKP@Blogger

The Top Ten most popular stories of our first year (based on # of reads each has received at both and DBKP@Blogger.)
1 - John Edwards: Looking for Rielle Hunter’s Baby News, VP Love, After Obama Endorsement; May 15, 2008 by Mondoreb
The latest John Edwards scandal story on the Internet when the Enquirer cornered Edwards in the Beverly Hilton mens room on July 21. The only one that could be found written on the affair between January and July.
Rielle Hunter, the ex-campaign worker/video producer, who was impregnated by John Edwards--according to the National Enquirer (and at least one Hunter friend)--has had her baby and is still secluded, by many reports, in a North Carolina multi-million dollar home owned by an Edwards backer.
John Edwards, he of the "Two Americas--one that wears condoms, the other that doesn't--is back in the news. First, Edwards came out yesterday and endorsed Barack Obama. In related news, the NY Times reports that Edwards would "consider the role of vice president, and favored the position of attorney general."
2 - Hostage Negotiations: Chinese-Style; March 12, 2008 by RidesAPaleHorse.
Dramatic series of pictures, with RAPH' observations. This caught fire right before the Beijing Olympics started and hasn't let up.
3 - The Day Calvin and Hobbes Died: December 31, 2007 by Mondoreb.
Commemorating the loss of two old friends.
Twelve years ago today, the world became a little more sober place. Twelve years ago, a tiny corner of joy was extinguished for millions of readers of the daily comic strip, "Calvin and Hobbes".
Twelve years ago, the last Calvin and Hobbes episode appeared. The strip, created by Bill Watterson, was a small window on human nature.
4 - John Edwards Affair: Interview with David Perel, Editor-in-Chief of the National Enquirer: July 23, 2008 by Mondoreb.
Less than 48 hours after reporters from the National Enquirer corner then-VP candidate John Edwards in a men's room at the Beverly Hilton, Enquirer Editor-in-Chief, David Perel, grants us an exclusive interview and talks about the whole affair.
How did the supermarket checkout staple, The National Enquirer, scoop the combined forces of CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox News, Time Magazine, Newsweek, USA Today, New York Times and the rest of the mainstream press in the John Edwards-Rielle Hunter Love Child affair?
“Inquiring minds want to know.”
After an hour-long interview with David Perel, Editor-in-Chief of the National Enquirer, we can now say with certainty: it was easy. The steadfast “cone of silence” placed on the story by the Mainstream Media (MSM) made it easy for anyone willing to do the legwork to grab the story from a decidedly-uninterested “respectable” press.
5 - Jennifer Moss: The Naked Lady Pictures and Videos: June 18, 2008 by Mondoreb.
Seeing activity on a couple previous stories we did on the Environmental Exhibitionist, Jennifer Moss, we stayed up all night to run down pix and videos from a just-posted Jennifer Moss website. The readers responded for the next two days.
The following links will take you to Jennifer Moss pictures and videos. Be warned: they are all NSFW.
6 - Lindsay Lohan and Other Marilyn Monroe 'Posers': March 3, 2008 by LBG.
Everybody wanted to be like Marilyn.
We took a look at some of the Marilyn Monroe 'posers', Lindsay Lohan, Madonna, Anna Nicole Smith and Britney Spears, who had themselves photographed in pictures similar to those which Marilyn Monroe became famous for.
7 - Rielle Hunter, John Edwards Love Child Scandal: Who is Rielle Hunter?: December 18, 2008 by Mondoreb
When we made the following observation, we had no idea how compliant the Mainstream Media would be in suppressing this story until late July 2008.
Who is Rielle Hunter?
The pieces are falling in place.
And the Edwards campaign looks like it doesn't have enough fingers to put in all the holes in this dike.
8 - William F. Buckley Jr: Ten Quotes To Remember Him By: February 27, 2008 by LBG.
LBG's picks get mentioned by NRO--among others.
William F. Buckley Jr. passed away today at age 82.
Buckley was the quintessential intellectual conservative, a modern day philosopher who lived life to the fullest. A novelist, debater, talk show host of TV's Firing Line, transoceanic sailor, founder the National Review, master skewerer, CIA Agent, and this is a short-list of Mr. Buckley's talents and professions.
9 - MySpace Cruel Prank Leads To Teen's Suicide: November 12, 2008 by LBG.
Our original MySpace Suicide story predates the media tsunami that hits the following weekend after Megan Meier's parents appear on Anderson Cooper and other shows to tell the story of daughter and her MySpace Suicide.
A cruel and unbelievably vicious prank perpetrated upon a young girl has stripped away the Leave To Beaver veneer of a suburban St. Louis neighborhood. A fourteen year old girl is dead by her own hand, her parents shattered and in disbelief. There will never be justice for their precious daughter.
Will there be justice for Megan Meier?
10 - John Edwards Scandal: Whatever Happened to Andrew Young? - UPDATES: August 5, 2008 by Mondoreb
Three days before the part of the nation that relies on the Mainstream Media was informed of John Edwards, Rielle Hunter, a baby and--goodness!--a scandal, we wondered where in the world was Andrew Young, who had claimed he was the father back in December. His claim was in a statement released by his attorney, who coincidentally, was a pal of Edwards' national finance chairman, Fred Baron.
Back in December, Young stepped forward, claiming he was the father of Rielle Hunter soon-to-be-born baby. From the National Enquirer's December story, UPDATE: JOHN EDWARDS LOVE CHILD SCANDAL!:A former "Director of Operations" for Edwards' campaign, Young's last official position with the campaign was "North Carolina Finance Director." He left that job about a month ago - about the same time Rielle settled in Chapel Hill.
A source close to Young vehemently denies that he funneled campaign money to Rielle - who drives a BMW SUV registered in Young's name.
The story continues today.
That's our ten most popular stories to date.
More will appear later today.
by Mondoreb