Human Shield Movement Gains Momentum
The Human Shield Movement has announced it reached its 10,000th pledge member. The lucky guy to sign on as a Human Shield Volunteer number ten thousand is Steven Morris from Birmingham. Morris has pledged to use his body as a "human shield" against an "attack on Iran" from "neo-con" President Bush.
Volunteers are from 22 countries not from Iran have pledged to travel to the Middle Eastern country at a moment's notice to place their "human shields" or in simpler terms, their bodies in front of civilian infrastructure in Iran in order to "prevent what they believe would be a catastrophic and unjustified attack" from the "warmonger" President Bush.
While we believe if there were to be such an attack it would be catastrophic, especially for the Human Shields, we're not so sure it would be unjustified. We wondered if each of the Shields will be assigned large bold numbers for identification purposes if their worst case scenario is confirmed. We suggest each Human Shield also receive a form to fill out for future Honorary Darwin Awards.
As for their being to able to travel to Iran at a "moment's notice" do these people have enough frequent flier miles so they won't have pay full price for an airline ticket? Or do they care, after all this will probably the last trip they ever take even though they believe their Human Shield plan of defense will deter any attack by President Bush and the United States against Iran.
A "powerfully worded warning" was sent to the White House while spokesman for the movement, David Tyler, said "Traditional methods of protest are ineffective in the face of the neo-Con determination to implement their global vision".
As to why these people believe their lives are worth anything baffles us. Life is cheap, war is hell, and Human Shields are worth a dime a dozen then you could buy the whole lot for under ten bucks.
Source - Payvand's Iran News - Human Shield Movement to Iran recieves 10,000th Pledge
Image - Atom Smasher.Org
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