Lynn Forester de Rothchild:
DNC Platform Committee Member to Campaign for McCain
The Hillary-Supporters-Backing-McCain-Is-A-Myth is a meme that's lost its steam.
The McCain-Palin campaign announced the endorsement of Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a prominent Hillary Clinton supporter and member of the Democratic National Committee's Platform Committee.
"In an election as important at this, we must choose the candidate who has a proven record of bipartisanship and reforming government, and that's John McCain," Rothschild said.
"We can't afford a president who lacks experience and judgment and has never crossed party lines to work for meaningful reform. Amid tough economic times and foreign policy concerns, we need someone who is ready to lead. Although I am a Democrat, I recognize that it's more important to put country ahead of party and that's why I support John McCain."
Rothschild, who's an attorney and businesswoman, supported Clinton during the Democratic primaries.
She will campaign for the McCain-Palin ticket through Election Day.
The first cracks in the "Democrats are one big happy family" meme appeared with the first PUMA (Party Unity My Ass) T-shirt. In June, one Missouri family was interviewed by KSPR.
Carlos Perez calls himself an independent who usually votes democratic; this year, though, he's open to casting a Republican vote.
“I would be more supportive of McCain than Obama,” Perez says.
His wife Susie is a Republican who had been in the Clinton camp.
“Hillary had lots of experience, she was newer blood, and she has an interest in childrens' issues,” Susie says.
Now she's back to her Republican roots.
In reference to John McCain she explains, “I like him and admire him, and he's done a wonderful job. His career in the military is admirable."
Lynn Forester de Rothchild's announcement is just one more crack in the glass meme.
by Mondo
images: nymag; McCain-Palin2008