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Ask a Bartender: Good Advice
Advice When Things Get Hard
Ask a bartender
Rough weekend? Some advice from a bartender.
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by Mondoreb
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Blog Archive
Trench Reynolds: DBKP This Week in Crime, vol. 30
Trans-Gender Concerns Behind Spread of Unisex Rest...
Sheila Jacson Lee Praises Obama, Votes No on Bailout
Mainstream Media Practicing Voter Suppression
Culture: Gender Wars and Adult Diaper Fashion Shows
Illegal Immigrantion Video: Illegal Immigration a...
Death Wish Video: Twin Swedish Sisters Fight Cops,...
Barack Obama Supports Ahmadinejad Talks with No Pr...
Sudden Muslim Grievance Syndrome Strikes Again in UK
Idiots of the Week: September 27, 2008
Bailout Oversight: House Dems Attacked Regulator i...
Barack Obama: The Strong-Arm Tactics of Team Obama
McCain-Obama Debate: MSM Declares Obama Winner
Twenty-five Financial Bailout Quotes
Video: Bob Hope, Zombies and Democrats
Obama, Dodd Received Nearly Quarter-Million From F...
Bill O'Rielley Channels the Spirit of Karl Marx on...
Obama, Democrats and the Bubba Vote
Bills in Congress Want to "E-Fence" the Internet
Sarah Palin 'Unnerves' NewsWeek Elitist Sam Harri...
Late Night Comics: Rate the Jokes - September 24, ...
Idiots of the Week: Winners, September 25, 2008
Late Night Comics: Rate the Jokes - September 23, ...
Obama's National Network Separate from Democrats
Joe Biden Helicopter Ride From Hell
McCain, Obama Swiss Army Knife: Maverick and Chang...
Late Night Comics: Rate the Political Jokes - Sept 22
Dump Biden Rumors Continue
Obama: Fiddles in Hollywood While Wall St. Burns
Obama Internet Savvy: Anti-Palin YouTube Video Lin...
Oil: China, Gazprom, Russia, Pipelines, Nigeria, WIEF
Women: Liberal vs. Consevative Women's Pictures
Garbage in the UK: Politicians Torture Brits Over ...
Illegal Immigration Video: How to Cut Crime
Financial Bail-out: Govt. Interference Caused Govt...
St. Petersburg Times: Fabricating Racism to Fit St...
Jennifer Moss: Construction Workers Complain about...
No Biden Rumors: Obama October Surprise to Dump Bi...
John Edwards Affair: Light, Action, Swingers, Came...
Air Show Pix are Surprising
Nationalization: Romania, the USA, Financial Panic...
John McCain: Claims of 911 Fauxtography are Faux
An American Carol Trailer: Michael Moore, Rosie O'...
Sarah Palin Hacked Email: Hacker Is a Lone Wolf P...
Ahmadinejad in NYC, Dan Rather Lawsuit, TimeCop H...
Video: Destination Earth Teaches What Makes Ameica...
Dr. Sanity: Not all Political Humor Created Equal
$90 Crude Oil: Law of Supply and Demand Trump Poli...
An American Carol: Movie Makes Fun of Michael Moor...
Obama Tried to Delay Iraq-US Troop Agreements
Joe Biden: Dump Biden Rumors Swirl Amid Obama's Di...
Rothchild: Former Hillary Backer Endorses McCain-P...
Carly Foirina: Only Gaffe is McCain Campaign Using...
Classic Car Pictures from Labor Day Show in Wheel...
Franklin Raines, Former Fannie Mae CEO, Advising O...
Illegal Immigration Video: Illegal Immigration the...
When Hazing Turns into Rape: Trench Reynolds DBKP ...
Mainstream Media: When News Breaks
Sarah Palin, Australia: Impressions from Down Under
Obama Gaffes: Obama Has Lost his Mojo
Atlantic's Jill Greenberg: McCain's Trust "Not Ver...
Obama Campaign: From 'Juggernaut' to 'Meltdown' in...
MTV: Sarah Palin's ABC Interview Creatively Reported
Sarah Palin, Joe Biden: NewsBusted's 100th Episode
Caylee Anthony: Thirty Quotes from People Involved...
Barack Hussein Obama: The Origin of Obama's Names
Bill Clinton, Sarah Palin: "But Hillary..."
McCain: The NY Times Has Found Some Torture It Can...
Barack Obama & Joe BidenThe Democrat Foreign Polic...
Obama and the 'Tangential' Bill Ayers
NRA: Obama Would Be "Most Anti-Gun President in Am...
Throbbing Memo Anniversary: MSM vs. the Blogosphere
DBKP One year Ago: Peace Scarf, Gen. Petraeus, Def...
Palin, WashPo: More Americans Believe in UFOs than...
Faux Go Barry Bumper Sticker
Blackberry Vs. 4-Wheel Drive Truck: The Pictures
John Edwards Affair: Exclusive Pix; Fox Helping Ed...
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Hezbollah, Childhood: The Joys of the Hezbollah Ch...
Sarah Palin, GOP: Back in the RIng, Fighting Back
DBKP One Year Ago: Cowpie Bingo, Evil Dick and Joh...
Trench Reynolds: DBKP This Week in Crime - Aug 31-...
911 Reminder: Thursday is September 11
Sarah Palin, Barack Obama: Feminism, Racism, the MSM
Caribou Sarah Palin: New from DBKP Toys!
Homeowning 101: One Sign it May Be Time to Clean t...
Sarah Palin: Palin Kept Under Wraps by McCain Camp...
Rudy Giuliani Quotes: Ten Zingers from Giuliani's ...
Corneliu Vadim Tudor: A Romanian Anti-Semitic in P...
John Edwards Affair: Andrew Young, Deadbeat Dad
Sarah Palin: Top Ten Signs Palin May be an Orthodo...
Palin Derangement Syndrome for Dummies
DNC Obama Show Pix: Inside Invesco, Denver
Obama Redesign: The US of O Flag
Sarah Palin: Pro-Gun Bumper Sticker
Political Patchwork: Obama, Palin and Edwards, Oh My!
Live RNC TV Coverage - thursday
Sarah Palin: How Liberals View Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin Reactions: The Usual Swamp Gas
Video: Sarah Palin's RNC Speech, Minneapolis, MN, ...
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