The Church of England's Spitting Vicar & Muslim Mosques
The Case of the Spitting Vicar has come to end with the order given by the Church of England to the Reverend Tom Ambrose to vacate his position as head of St. Mary and St. Michael Church in Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England. While the Church spent five days holding hearings over the spitting vicar matter the Church is facing an even bigger problem, dealing with the influx of mosque building Muslims.
The Church held five days of hearings where allegations were heard that Ambrose used slide shows instead of sermons, burned excessive incense to the point of parishioners becoming ill, chopped down trees without permission, argued over the date of the Harvest Festival Supper and spit at "unruly" churchgoers. Ambrose was also accused of being adversarial with members of his congregation by means of emails and letters. Today the Church ordered Ambrose to vacate his post.
While the Church of England spent five days of hearings in order to discuss the dismissal of one of its Vicars the Times of India reported in January that for the first time more Muslims attend mosque prayers once a week, the estimated number at 930,000, to Church of England attendees, 916,000 Anglicans.
Read The Church of England's Spitting Vicar and Muslim Mosques at
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