Alzheimers: Arthritis Drug Enbrel Study Shows Success
Researchers in California believe they've found a new treatment for Alzheimer patients, one which works within minutes and shows amazing results. If the researchers' work pans out it could mean a vast improvement in the quality of life in hundreds of thousands of people coping with the ravages of the dreaded disease.
Scientists at the Institute for Neurological Research at the University of California have been working with the anti-arthritic drug, Enbrel or Eternacept. Fifty patients at a private clinic have been receiving spinal column injections then are encouraged to tilt forward in an effort to encourage the drug to "flow toward the brain".
According to the researchers within 5 minutes Alzheimer patients show remarkable improvement. The researchers also claim an astounding 90% of patients have responded to the treatment.
Read more of Alheimer's: Amazing Drug Breakthrough Touted by Researchers at
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