Obama Explains Tax Plan to Ohio Plumber
Obama: "Spread the Wealth Around"
Smells Like Socialism
I’ve never been a big fan of Penn & Teller, but today, I have to say I’m a fan of a new video released today that includes their commentary on Barack Obama’s socialist plans to turn the United States into a Marxist wasteland.
[Note: The original Penn & Teller version has been pulled for some reason; therefore, I substituted another video showing Obama explaining away his tax play.]
Incredibly, the video captures the Democratic Party presidential nominee using the words "spread the wealth around" during his response to a question asked by Joe Wurzelbacher of Toledo, Ohio. The 34-year-old plumber asked Obama, point blank, "Your new tax plan's going to tax me more, isn't it?"
If this doesn't scare you, nothing will: Higher taxes, wealth redistribution and a socialist airhead in the White House.
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by Bob McCarty
image: Bob McCarty Writes
Source: Obama Explains Tax Plan to Ohio Plumber