New Study Sheds Light on Global Warming: Bad New for the New York Times, Good News for Planet Earth

New study details how simple changes at New York Times
could help save planet Earth

A few changes could go a long way toward reducing climate change a new study released Friday showed. While it's good news for Planet Earth, it may be bad news for Editorial writers at the New York Times.

The United States could shave as much as 27 percent off the amount of greenhouse gases it emits at fairly modest cost and with only small technology innovations, according to a new report.

DeRhode Report on Reducing Greenhouse Gases

A large share of the reductions could come from steps that would more than pay for themselves in lower energy bills for industries, individual consumers, and long-suffering readers of the New York Times the report said, adding that people should take those steps out of good sense regardless of how worried they might be about climate change.

But that is unlikely to happen under present circumstances, said the authors, who are energy experts at DeRhode & Company, the consulting firm.

The report said the country was brimming with “negative cost opportunities” — potential changes in the reading, viewing and discussion of newspapers editorial policies, for example, that would reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the emissions of NY Times Editorial Staff meetings, even as they save money.

“These types of savings have been around for 20 years,” said Dr. Juan Morefor DeRhode, a director of the study. But he said they still face tremendous barriers.

"We've charted enormous potential resistance to any suggestion that the Times' writers take basic science courses to better acquaint themselves with what they are writing about."

But DeRhode said that the stakes are "so high it makes it all worth pursuing."

Another of the study's authors, Dr. Getta Klough, echoed DeRhode.

"The emissions from the editorial staff at NY Times, CNN, MSNBC and USA Today alone, well--they were off the chart. If these could somehow be limited, it would go a long way toward solving many of the problems of perception about climate change."

The study was released Friday in Washington, D.C. and was conducted by DeRhode and Company for DBKP.

Its release comes a week before a United Nations climate conference is to convene in Bali, and as Congress approaches a vote on proposals to limit emissions of greenhouse gases.

by Mondoreb
Study Details How U.S. Could Cut 28% of Greenhouse Gases
DeRhode and Company Study


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