Student's Death Likely Caused by "Super Bug": Another MRSA Victim


by Mondoreb & Little Baby Ginn

Is MRSA officially something that Americans should put on their list of worries? News of a child dying in Brooklyn from the "Super Bug" is sure to put school boards across the country on alert.

More from CNN:
A middle school student from Brooklyn died Thursday, probably from the staph infection MRSA, according to the New York City Health Department.

The student was in seventh grade at IS-211 in Canarsie.

"The infection was the probable cause," the Heath Department said in a statement. "We have no reason to believe that other children or school employees are at increased risk of staph infection."

At least six students on Long Island have recently been diagnosed with MRSA, according to The Associated Press.

MRSA is short for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and is responsible for more deaths in the United States each year than AIDS, according to new data.
More schoolchildren in the area have the disease. More from the NY Post:
Such infections gained attention following the death this month of a Virginia high school senior who was diagnosed with it. The city Health Department has proposed mandatory reporting of the illness so it can track the number of cases.

At least six students on Long Island have recently been diagnosed with M-R-S-A.
Although MRSA can be defeated by keeping the hands clean with soap and water, people are worried. The "Super Bug" story started out a few weeks ago with reports of the number of patients dying in the United Kingdom. The story has since spread to the USA as more have become aware of it. It's a story that doesn't appear to be going away soon.

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