Failed War on Drugs: November Edition

The November Edition/Carnival of the Failed War on Drugs has LOTS of links to stories of interest from around the web.

Special thanks to Stop the Drug War for answering our call for links to reference material for this edition.

1 We'll start out with a story we did last month that asks the pertinent question: What's up with Britney's erratic behavior?
Does Britney Have an Oxycotin Problem?

2 A plethora of great links, sent by:

Stop the Drug War

And that's the November Edition of The Failed War on Drugs. If you have a link to a good source, graphic or story you've done or know about, pass it along to
December Edition: December 15, 2007

Editions archived at: The Failed War on Drugs.

by Hummmbert


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.
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