ANNOUNCING: "DBKP Political Cage Match"

Above: Action from the upcoming Clinton-Gravel DBKP Texas Cage Match

Rudy "The Mayor of Mayhem" Giuliani
"Dunkin Death' Duncan" Hunter

Real Political Cage Match Action!
Real Texas Death Debate Personal Destruction!
Two Pundits Enter, One Pundit Leaves!

Bring the whole family!

Death by 1000 Papercuts proudly announces the "DBKP Political Cage Matches". First fight: Rudy "the Mayor of Mayhem" Giuliani Vs. "Dunkin Death' Duncan" Hunter later this afternoon.

Starting later today we'll present the first fight of the first first round. Over the next 8 days, we'll present the rest of these can't-miss match-ups.

The rest of the first round match-ups:
Nov 3-Hillary "Cacklin'Clinton" VS. "Invisible Mike" Gravel
Nov 4-Mitt "The Maulin' Mormon" Romney VS. Mike "The Hearless" Huckabee
Nov 5-Bill "Close Encounters" Richardson VS. "Judicial Joe" Biden
Nov 6-"Johnny the Maverick" McCain VS. Ron "The Mad Spammer" Paul
Nov 7-John "The Poverty Powerhouse" Edwards VS. Dennis "Kid" Kucinich
Nov 8-Barrack "The Bomber" Obama VS. "K.O Chris" Dodd
Nov 9-Fred "The Atomic Actor" Thompson VS. "Terrible(to Immigrants) Tom" Tancredo

Arena: The Deathby1000Papercuts' PolitiDROME
Rules: Texas Death Debate Style
Tickets: at DBKP and all Ticketron outlets.
Judges' decisions are FINAL.
Winners to advance to the Quarterfinals which begin on Veterans' Day, November 11, 2007.

Times and nicknames subject to change without notice. All results are final. Let the buyer beware. Look before you leap. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Wash you hands before returning to work. Don't bet the ponies.

Let's Get It On!

Don't miss this Tournament of Death and Political Destruction!
A Death by 1000 Papercuts Political Punditry Production

by Mondoreb & Little Baby Ginn


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